Welcome to our supportive community! We are here to provide support to those affected by endometriosis, PCOS and any other related conditions. We understand how difficult it can be to cope with these issues and we want you know that you are not alone. Our team is committed to helping you find the resources you need and offering guidance along the way.
Endometriosis, PCOS and other related conditions can be devastating to women's physical and mental health. The pain, fatigue and emotional distress caused by these conditions can be debilitating. As such, it is important for us to provide support for those affected by them. We strive to create a safe and inclusive space for members and those needing help who suffer from endometriosis, PCOS or any other related condition. We offer resources such as online forums where individuals can share their stories, ask questions or get advice from peers who understand what they’re going through. Additionally, our community offers the opportunity to meet in person at local events in order to connect with others in a similar situation. Finally, we provide educational materials such as factsheets on topics ranging from diagnosis and treatments to lifestyle changes that may help reduce symptoms of endometriosis or PCOS.
We at the BAEP seek to bring awareness to these “invisible illnesses” and their direct impact on the individual and extended impact on the society. We do this whilst working with stakeholders and beneficiaries to improve the quality of life of the girls and women in our community who have been diagnosed by engaging in meaningful dialogue and providing access to as many relevant resources as possible.
Together we can bring much needed awareness to Barbados
Member Benefits
An opportunity to be an integral part of our advocacy outreach team
Access to a supportive community and members
Access to up-to-date evidence-based information and research
The Barbados Association of Endometriosis and P.C.O.S. is fueled by its passionate members and volunteers. We welcome and thank you for your donations as they will help to:
- Provide more materials for advocacy and awareness - Funds to host special events - Provide resources for volunteer training - Promote research into Endometriosis and PCOS in Barbados - Provide financial assistance for women with the conditions who have financial challenges and may be unable to afford the relevant treatments available
Your donations are valuable! Nothing is too small. We will always honour your donations. Please email us your donation details and we shall provide a receipt.
Deposit in the bank or go online and make an internet payment
Location: Welches Banking Centre,16 The Walk, Welches, St. Thomas, Barbados Account Name: Barbados Association of Endometriosis and P.C.O.S. Account Number: 50090000312- First Citizens Bank
"Uncover the Unseen Struggles: 'Invisible Not Imaginary'